Raymond Volle

Raymond Volle

Birthday: December 9, 1991 in Ålesund, Norway
Born on December 9th, 1991, Raymond Volle spent his youth studying film. At 18 he became aware of a film production in Norway which at the time this was an extremely rare occurrence. He contacted the filmmakers and found his way on set as an observer. The film was "Christmas Cruelty!", and before he knew it he was knee-deep in a film prod... Show more »
Born on December 9th, 1991, Raymond Volle spent his youth studying film. At 18 he became aware of a film production in Norway which at the time this was an extremely rare occurrence. He contacted the filmmakers and found his way on set as an observer. The film was "Christmas Cruelty!", and before he knew it he was knee-deep in a film production and couldn't care less about going to school to study. Many years and multiple schools away from achieving an actual film degree, Raymonde discovered it was much better to do than to learn about doing. With only a handful of music videos, commercials and school projects on his resume, Raymond quickly rose through the ranks of "Christmas Cruelty!" and became DP.A year after the premiere of "Christmas Cruelty!", Raymond founded the company Asterion in cahoots with PIT (Per-Ingvar Tomren, Dir. "Christmas Cruelty!"). Their first plan was to make another horror movie - this time a ghost story - but during the writing process it became clear that they would not be able to afford such large-scale production. They discussed different ways of getting the money, and one of the last ditch crazy ideas was to kidnap the Minister of Culture in Norway and hold her for ransom. Luckily they realized that would be a bad idea, but it could be a fun plot for a movie - and voila! The plot of "Headless Entanglement" (what would become their first official production) was born.Raymond and PIT's philosophy is to make films, whenever, wherever and with whoever however they can. In Norway they have assisted production on films such as "Lyst" (Dir. Severin Eskeland), "Saga" (Dir. Jørn Steen), the Norwegian / German TV-Series "Furia" (Dir. Magnus Martens) and more internationally known titles like "Mission: Impossible" when production visited their small town. (Since "Christmas Cruelty!" the tiny town they live in with about 2000 residents has become sort of a hot spot for Hollywood films and series. Cause and effect? Who knows?!)Raymond and PIT traveled across the world to film the opening credits for "Headless Entanglement", including a stop in Los Angeles. Some time later - totally in love with the city - they returned to Los Angeles with the completed film. After a successful screening of the film, they linked up with several independent filmmakers and production companies, and have been producing with and for these Hollywood productions ever since. Show less «
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