Pierre Armani

Pierre Armani

Pierre Armani Smith (born February 19, 1987) is an up and coming American actor and writer. Armani-Smith was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. In his mid 20's Armani-Smith moved to San Francisco, California to start fresh and escape the cold winters of Chicago. By 2018 Armani-Smith had finally relocated to Los Angeles, CA to pursue an acti... Show more »
Pierre Armani Smith (born February 19, 1987) is an up and coming American actor and writer. Armani-Smith was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. In his mid 20's Armani-Smith moved to San Francisco, California to start fresh and escape the cold winters of Chicago. By 2018 Armani-Smith had finally relocated to Los Angeles, CA to pursue an acting and writing career. Show less «
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