Peter is the most recently the producer of Walt Disney Animation Studios' "Frozen (2013)", for which he received the Academy Award® for Best Animated Film, along with his fellow filmmakers, directors Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee. Del Vecho joined Walt Disney Animation Studios in 1995 and produced the animated musical comedy "The...
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Peter is the most recently the producer of Walt Disney Animation Studios' "Frozen (2013)", for which he received the Academy Award® for Best Animated Film, along with his fellow filmmakers, directors Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee. Del Vecho joined Walt Disney Animation Studios in 1995 and produced the animated musical comedy "The Princess and the Frog (2009)", which hit theaters in 2009 and received three Oscar® nominations, including Best Animated Film. He also guided WDAS back to the Hundred Acre Wood as the producer of 2011's big-screen adventure "Winnie the Pooh (2011)".For his work on the animated feature, "Frozen (2013)", Del Vecho received both an Academy Award for Best Animated Film as well as a Producer's Guild Award for Outstanding Producer of Animated Theatrical Motion Pictures. "Frozen (2013)" also received an Academy Award for Best Original Song ("Let It Go"), as well as a Golden Globe, BAFTA Award, five Annie Award including Best Feature and the Critics' Choice Award.
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