Currently transitioning into film and television, previously known primarily for theatrical work, regional theater credits include Los Angeles Ovation Award winning productions of Sweeney Todd (Anthony) and Pacific Overtures (multiple featured roles) as well as the Los Angeles premiere of Passion (Sgt. Lombardi, Fosca's Father, vocal director)...
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Currently transitioning into film and television, previously known primarily for theatrical work, regional theater credits include Los Angeles Ovation Award winning productions of Sweeney Todd (Anthony) and Pacific Overtures (multiple featured roles) as well as the Los Angeles premiere of Passion (Sgt. Lombardi, Fosca's Father, vocal director) and the US premiere of the revised Anyone Can Whistle (George).Individual awards include the NAACP Theater Award - Best Music Director for Do Lord Remember Me, and the Vee-Cee Award for Memorable Performance (Actor) for A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (Hysterium).He is a featured vocalist on recordings of 81 Proof(Original Cast Recording) and East West Overtures.
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