Michael Thyer

Michael Thyer

Birthday: December 10, 1976 in Townsville, Australia
Height: 178 cm
Michael Thyer started off as an actor in Australia and was granted a professional internship to the US where he worked with Brown University's Graduate Writing Program in Providence, RI and performed at Trinity Repertory Theater. He was born on December 10, 1976 in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. He is known for 48 Hours and 1 Minute, Bluep... Show more »
Michael Thyer started off as an actor in Australia and was granted a professional internship to the US where he worked with Brown University's Graduate Writing Program in Providence, RI and performed at Trinity Repertory Theater. He was born on December 10, 1976 in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. He is known for 48 Hours and 1 Minute, Blueprint Soul and My Best Friend's Famous (2019). Show less «
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