Mellow Man Ace

Mellow Man Ace

Birthday: April 12, 1967 in Havana, Cuba
Birth Name: Ulpiano Sergio Reyes
Born in Havana, his parents brought him and his three siblings including his brother Sen D.O.G., or Sen Dog, to live in New Jersey and then L.A. He belonged to a group made up of him, Senen, and two friends Deejay Muggs (DJ Mugs) and B-Real (B-Real) but a chance at a solo career split them up.His #1 hit "Mentirosa" was the first Spanglish... Show more »
Born in Havana, his parents brought him and his three siblings including his brother Sen D.O.G., or Sen Dog, to live in New Jersey and then L.A. He belonged to a group made up of him, Senen, and two friends Deejay Muggs (DJ Mugs) and B-Real (B-Real) but a chance at a solo career split them up.His #1 hit "Mentirosa" was the first Spanglish hit record. The other three formed the rap group Cypress Hill. Show less «
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