Megan is the president and co-owner of Pyewackitt Productions, an independent documentary television production company. Her career encompasses documentary, television, film, theater and radio.Most recently, Megan produced and directed "Trial by Fire: Lives Re-Forged", an independent feature documentary that follows the journeys of people...
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Megan is the president and co-owner of Pyewackitt Productions, an independent documentary television production company. Her career encompasses documentary, television, film, theater and radio.Most recently, Megan produced and directed "Trial by Fire: Lives Re-Forged", an independent feature documentary that follows the journeys of people who rise above their burn injuries to re-forge their destinies and achieve new dreams. The film features U.S. veteran and actor, J.R. Martinez ("All My Children," "DWTS")For the Women's Entertainment Network, Megan executive produced and directed "Surrogate Stories," a two-hour documentary special about surrogate mothers and their intended parents. Previous documentary projects for WEtv include "Child Brides" (Producer/Director/Writer) and "Polygamy" (Producer/Writer), both for the anthology series, "Secret Lives of Women."In Canada, Megan produced 24 documentary profiles featuring celebrated Canadians. She launched her career in Toronto as an actress with "The Second City" Touring Company and then went on to co-write and produce "Mad in Canada," a comedy revue, which ran for over a year in Toronto and Montreal. She also co-wrote and performed 50 live episodes of "The Norm," a popular national CBC radio series.Megan was a Producer Resident at the Canadian Film Centre and a participating director in the inaugural year of Women In The Director's Chair. She lives in Connecticut with her husband and business partner, Bill Harris and their son, Jack.
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