Matthew Orlando Miller is the next up-and-coming lead man set to breakout in the near future. Most recently seen as portraying the role of Fred Mitchell on the Investigation Discovery documentary-series, People Magazine Investigates, which aired in January 2020. This role follows Matthew's last short film A Portrait of Love Lost being a select...
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Matthew Orlando Miller is the next up-and-coming lead man set to breakout in the near future. Most recently seen as portraying the role of Fred Mitchell on the Investigation Discovery documentary-series, People Magazine Investigates, which aired in January 2020. This role follows Matthew's last short film A Portrait of Love Lost being a selection in the Festival De Cannes, Short Film Corner. In which Matthew performance as the leading man does not disappoint. Matthew has also been working in making significant contributions in the world of fashion as he looks to launch his first clothing line as creative director.Matthew is a proud Chicago native in which he actively contributes to his community and partners with an agency named Thresholds to raise mental health awareness and provide individuals in need of a safe space with resources. Matthew attended high-school just a few blocks from WrigleyField where he was recruited at the collegiate level to play Quarterback. After one session Matthew's travel both domestic and international began to build his social presence landing him on campaigns with companies like Lucky Brand Jeans and Daniel George. After seeing his impact within successful campaigns and his charitable efforts. Matthew had to decide on continuing to play football or expanding on the work he'd done of-late. Matthew decided to return to Chicago and began studying at the Acting Studio of Chicago in which he was able to be closer to his communal work and have access to the theatrical resources the city of Chicago had to offer. Matthew became aware of the impact TV Film could potentially have on a community and soon fell in love with the the process of bringing meaningful characters to life. He has since moved to Los Angeles where he is thriving and continuing to show us why he's a rising star. Show less «