Matt is known for starring in The Evolution of a Generation-X Music Purchaser by Jack Marchetti as Zach which premiered at the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival, BFI London Film Festival, LA Film Festival and a slew of other festivals within the United States. He is also known for his portrayal of Owen Reese on NBC's Chicago PD, and the Joseph Jeffer...
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Matt is known for starring in The Evolution of a Generation-X Music Purchaser by Jack Marchetti as Zach which premiered at the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival, BFI London Film Festival, LA Film Festival and a slew of other festivals within the United States. He is also known for his portrayal of Owen Reese on NBC's Chicago PD, and the Joseph Jefferson Award Nominated Chicago production of The Rainmaker as Jim Curry directed by Ed Blatchford (The Last of the Mohicans) Matt is currently (2016-2017) working on Paul, described as a disturbed young man, opposite Kenan Raven (The Windmill, Safe Harbour Amsterdam, Deuce Bigolo: European Gigolo) in the internationally cast feature film Performances written and directed by Leonard Klein. Concurrently, in post-production, Matt starred in the short-films; The Last Big Weekend by Tanner Smith playing a psychiatrist newly-wed, Cronos by Nic Collins (Twin Visuals) playing Kain- a powerful peacekeeper and super hero, Paul written by Danny Backer in assoc. with Twin Visuals as a punk rocker, MONO by written and directed by Al Benoit leading us in his science fiction horror set in Mono Lake, CA, Hypothetical by Cataclysm Pictures as a young professional falling out of love and Forever by Alexandra Leopold as a troubled neighbor infatuated with the doubly troubled girl next door. In the theatre, Matt is currently workshopping a short story The Wall by Jean-Paul Sartre with the documentary filmmaker Susan Ricketts at her theatre space in North Hollywood. Matt received his BA from Columbia College Chicago in 2012. His mentors Jeff Ginsberg (Yale/Columbia College) and Sheldon Patinkin (Second City) both insisted Matt explore genre, medium and subject-matter on stages and screens before heading to New York or Los Angeles. Matt delved further into study with Shakespeare after graduation with Jeffrey Carlson (Yale/Broadway) and Susan Hart (Goodman/Broadway). Along with auditions, coaching, signing lessons, films, commercials and music videos- Matt's education and experience bloomed inside the casting offices, storefronts and proscenium stages in Chicago. Matt is represented by Sovereign Talent Group. He lives in Los Feliz with his two cats Nina and Reagan.
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