Marina Saura

Marina Saura

Birthday: 31 July 1957, Madrid, Spain
Height: 180 cm
Marina Saura is an actress born in July 1957 in Madrid (Spain). Daughter of the late Spanish artist Antonio Saura (1930-1998) and Gunhild Madeleine Augot (1929), translator from Swedish to French, she lived and studied in Spain, France and Switzerland. She trained as an actress at The Drama Centre of London, Great Britain (1976-1979). Her debut in ... Show more »
Marina Saura is an actress born in July 1957 in Madrid (Spain). Daughter of the late Spanish artist Antonio Saura (1930-1998) and Gunhild Madeleine Augot (1929), translator from Swedish to French, she lived and studied in Spain, France and Switzerland. She trained as an actress at The Drama Centre of London, Great Britain (1976-1979). Her debut in the professional theatre was in 1980 in Madrid in "Macbeth", directed by Miguel Narros, and began acting in films in Jaime Chávarri's "Bicycles are for Summer" in 1983. "Flesh & Blood" by Paul Verhoeven with Rutger Hauer and Jennifer Jason Leigh started her international career. Her breakthrough came with "Dancing Machine" costarring with Alain Delon. She alternates TV work with theatre and films. Show less «
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