A graduate of the Groundlings School, Maria was featured as mob mistress "Skinnie Minnie" in the independent film Sharkskin (2015), directed by Dan Perri. You can also see her as Detective Bloomfield a "gruff, grizzled woman of the law in pursuit of a mysterious serial killer known only as the Dickripper," in the short film Dick...
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A graduate of the Groundlings School, Maria was featured as mob mistress "Skinnie Minnie" in the independent film Sharkskin (2015), directed by Dan Perri. You can also see her as Detective Bloomfield a "gruff, grizzled woman of the law in pursuit of a mysterious serial killer known only as the Dickripper," in the short film DickRipper (2016). Other credits include MTV's "Girl Code", Lifetime's "My Crazy Ex", and National Geographic's "The Numbers Game".Maria performs live comedy all over Los Angeles and has two web series: "Interviews With My Husband" in which she interviews her very quiet husband, and "Diary of a Gen-X-tra Awkward Girl", based on Maria's actual diary from the '90s.She's performed at UCB LA and NY, Groundlings, Comedy Central Stage, Friars Club NY, PIT NY, and colleges and festivals nation-wide. Maria co-created Women in Comedy Festival in Boston in 2008, and it continues to grow as the best showcase for emerging diverse talent. Hey, that's nice.
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