Kotoko Kawamura resided in Santa Monica, California for over 40 years before coming to Maui, where she was a volunteer at Roosevelt Elementary School and The Santa Monica Historical Society. A keen animal lover, she had many pets throughout her life, and loved animals, children, people, and life. Like a cat, she lived many full lives including bein...
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Kotoko Kawamura resided in Santa Monica, California for over 40 years before coming to Maui, where she was a volunteer at Roosevelt Elementary School and The Santa Monica Historical Society. A keen animal lover, she had many pets throughout her life, and loved animals, children, people, and life. Like a cat, she lived many full lives including being a Hollywood actress between the age of 70 & 80. She was full of love and gratitude. She is survived by one daughter, three grandchildren, and her dog and cat. Show less «