Kevin J. Stone

Kevin J. Stone

Kevin was born in Danville, VA. He knew at a very early age that he wanted to be an actor, constantly mimicking what he saw on television, but putting his own spin on it. Growing up, he was very shy, but eventually broke out of his shell to become the actor that he is today. Since he started acting professionally in 2009, he has been in 12+ stage p... Show more »
Kevin was born in Danville, VA. He knew at a very early age that he wanted to be an actor, constantly mimicking what he saw on television, but putting his own spin on it. Growing up, he was very shy, but eventually broke out of his shell to become the actor that he is today. Since he started acting professionally in 2009, he has been in 12+ stage plays and several web series, short films, feature films and television shows. He has also garnered 4 awards for his acting and several nominations. He wants his story to inspire other people to go for their dreams, regardless of what people may think. If a shy kid can go from a small city in VA to booking a speaking role on national television, then other people can make their dreams come true as well. Show less «
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