Katherine Dudas is a director and writer in LA. Her debut feature film, Juniper, premiered at the prestigious Santa Barbara Film Festival in 2022. Coming from an improv background, she is dedicated to telling heartfelt and truthful stories about women through a comedic lens. She started producing her own writing in 2016 and her first web series wen...
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Katherine Dudas is a director and writer in LA. Her debut feature film, Juniper, premiered at the prestigious Santa Barbara Film Festival in 2022. Coming from an improv background, she is dedicated to telling heartfelt and truthful stories about women through a comedic lens. She started producing her own writing in 2016 and her first web series went on to become a feature on Funny or Die. Since then her comedy videos have amassed over a million views on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok. She's written and directed multiple short films that have garnered attention from executives at Nickelodeon and Amazon.
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