Originally from Newark, NJ, minutes outside of New York City, from an early age Cohen discovered his acting ability. This lead him to pursue his craft during school and university. Upon completing university, he began landing roles in Television, Film, Commercial, Music Videos and Voice Over which allowed him to appear on major networks such as Lif...
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Originally from Newark, NJ, minutes outside of New York City, from an early age Cohen discovered his acting ability. This lead him to pursue his craft during school and university. Upon completing university, he began landing roles in Television, Film, Commercial, Music Videos and Voice Over which allowed him to appear on major networks such as Lifetime, Biography, MTV, BET, The Discovery Channel and A&E all without compromise to his faith. Also an expert in Martial Arts and athletics, his skill is often displayed on projects. He continues to be trained with some of the most well-known and respected acting coaches in the industry from Los Angeles to New York City.
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