Actor Justin Dwayne Hall, who made his film debut as the son of Marcia Cross and Bill Pullman in Bringing Up Bobby, plays Red, the dirt biker in the upcoming Jeepers Creepers III, the latest entry in the hit horror series. He's also the lead in director Ron Hanks' post-apocalyptic feature I'm OK, which is set in Oklahoma, Hall's...
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Actor Justin Dwayne Hall, who made his film debut as the son of Marcia Cross and Bill Pullman in Bringing Up Bobby, plays Red, the dirt biker in the upcoming Jeepers Creepers III, the latest entry in the hit horror series. He's also the lead in director Ron Hanks' post-apocalyptic feature I'm OK, which is set in Oklahoma, Hall's birthplace. Growing up in Edmond, Oklahoma, Hall attended Heritage Hall, a private school in Oklahoma City, where he portrayed Mr. Salt in a school production of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Hall made his on-camera debut as Billy in writer/director Matt Gengel's comedy short Two Tickets to Paradise. In 2012, director Quentin Tarantino cast him as the dedicated goat herder in Django Unchained, and he played a baseball player in The Muppets. Hall performed for several years at The Second City in Los Angeles, where he took the stage weekly as a member of their only performing teen group, then graduated to their adult level. Hall's comedic chops can also be seen featured in "Mother Nature" and "NBA Lockout," part of the popular Funny or Die features produced by Will Ferrell. He continues to do national commercials between acting assignments. In his spare time, he skates, surfs, snowboards, goes fishing, plays guitar and writes music. He's also an accomplished photographer, shooting professionally for such musicians as The Migos, Rich the Kid, Lil Yachty, Black Bear and many more.
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