Julieanne O'Connor

Julieanne O'Connor

Born outside of Reno, Nevada, Julieanne Young (aka O'Connor) was raised on severely contaminated property where she lost her father to Lymphoma Cancer at a young age, and was told she too could one day die of cancer from the toxins. Realizing life was precious, Julieanne set out on a mission to live life to the fullest and she moved to Los Ang... Show more »
Born outside of Reno, Nevada, Julieanne Young (aka O'Connor) was raised on severely contaminated property where she lost her father to Lymphoma Cancer at a young age, and was told she too could one day die of cancer from the toxins. Realizing life was precious, Julieanne set out on a mission to live life to the fullest and she moved to Los Angeles to begin acting. During these years Julieanne began asking every couple she met what the secret to a happy relationship was. Julieanne's 20+ year study of people has crossed all confines including geographic and economic boundaries, and themes continue to be recurring.With a TEDx Talk "Alive and Counting" and in addition to her acting, Julieanne is the author of the Spelling It Out series of books, including Spelling It Out for Your Man and Spelling It Out for Your Career which are available anywhere books are sold. Julieanne is the host of several shows including 2 Podcasts.Ms. O'Connor's books feature quotes by great thinkers, other authors and famous comedians and is categorized as Nonfiction - Mainstream - Inspirational - Philosophy - Self-Help. Show less «
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