"Another Mother's Son" follows the moving true story of Louisa Gould and Bill, a Russian POW and their lives during the Nazi occupation of Jersey. It's a film about courage, sacrifice, endurance, kindness and the colorful nature of the human spirit. I remember when I was reading the script, it reminded me of "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl, in that they both describe the war as a grey matter, specifically when it comes to the nature of the oppressed and the oppressors and how hunger and torment can get one to doubt their most sacred beliefs. It proved to be extremely interesting to put myself in those shoes to a small extent. It was extraordinary how much it changed me psychologically when I was keeping myself hungry. It made me very emotional, vulnerable, on edge. I felt frail, weak, in danger - it really does make a difference in how you behave, think and interact.
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