Joe can be seen in the recently premiered film "Clipped Wings They Do Fly", opposite JD Williams and Usman Sharif as well as in the current season 3 of "Crew" the webseries. Joe is presently working hard in rehearsal for the role of The Doctor in "The Father" (August Strindberg) at a quaint little playhouse in Brooklyn...
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Joe can be seen in the recently premiered film "Clipped Wings They Do Fly", opposite JD Williams and Usman Sharif as well as in the current season 3 of "Crew" the webseries. Joe is presently working hard in rehearsal for the role of The Doctor in "The Father" (August Strindberg) at a quaint little playhouse in Brooklyn,NY,that will be opening in February. Joe is a motivated actor that is dedicated whole heartedly to his career and family. His attention to detail, and desire to continually grow and develop as an actor, keep him open, and available to direction, both on and off set. Keep yours eyes peeled, you will be seeing more of this talented and captivating actor in the near future!
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