Jimmie Lee, also known as "The Living Nightmare", is an American professional wrestler, actor, actor with stunt abilities, voice actor, stuntman, stunt/fight choreographer and wrestling/stunt fighting trainer. Jimmie Lee has been involved in the pro wrestling/sports entertainment business since 1989 and has performed in front of live audi...
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Jimmie Lee, also known as "The Living Nightmare", is an American professional wrestler, actor, actor with stunt abilities, voice actor, stuntman, stunt/fight choreographer and wrestling/stunt fighting trainer. Jimmie Lee has been involved in the pro wrestling/sports entertainment business since 1989 and has performed in front of live audiences and on television programs. Jimmie Lee has also transitioned into the acting/stunt world and has had parts in a various projects including television shows, music videos, commercials and movies. His work has included acting, stunt work, lead roles (commercial advertising), supporting roles and background extra roles. He has also headlined live professional wrestling events for the American States Wrestling Alliance and was talent enhancement in the WWE in the early 1990's.
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