Jenny McQuaile

Jenny McQuaile

Jenny McQuaile is an award-winning NYC-based journalist and documentary filmmaker. She has worked in production on major TV series and feature films such as Steven Soderberg's "The Knick," "Annie," "Blue Bloods," "3 Generations," and "Chuck". McQuaile was an Associate Producer on "The Worl... Show more »
Jenny McQuaile is an award-winning NYC-based journalist and documentary filmmaker. She has worked in production on major TV series and feature films such as Steven Soderberg's "The Knick," "Annie," "Blue Bloods," "3 Generations," and "Chuck". McQuaile was an Associate Producer on "The World Cup Project," a TV documentary series about 11 countries around the world that use soccer for social change. She directed and edited three episodes of the series including "Laces," set in Liberia, which won Best Documentary Short at the NYLA International Film Festival in 2015 and was an Official Selection at The Lighthouse International Film Festival. She co-directed the feature-length documentary "Power of Play," also set in Liberia. Jenny began work on Straight/Curve over two years ago and hopes to use this film as an educational tool to teach young girls and boys to believe in themselves more, with the hope of rising up a new generation who do not have the same body image issues. Jenny has become a pioneer of the body positive message and hopes to continue to use film and TV as a tool to empower women and fight for representation for all. Show less «
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