Jeff Ayars is a filmmaker, actor, and one-half of comedy duo "Cannibal Milkshake," known for their sketches with over 13M views and featured by Comedy Central, The New Yorker, Funny or Die, The National Lampoon, CollegeHumor, and Elizabeth Bank's WhoHaHa. In their viral parodies, Jeff has portrayed Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, Chris...
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Jeff Ayars is a filmmaker, actor, and one-half of comedy duo "Cannibal Milkshake," known for their sketches with over 13M views and featured by Comedy Central, The New Yorker, Funny or Die, The National Lampoon, CollegeHumor, and Elizabeth Bank's WhoHaHa. In their viral parodies, Jeff has portrayed Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, and James Bond as a stressed-out Dad.Jeff's latest work includes his 2019 horror feature, This Is Our Home; portraying a notorious serial killer on Oxygen; and starring in a national horror-comedy campaign for the AdCouncil. He has also directed spots for Bravo, produced promos for Blumhouse/Universal, and field-produced mini docs for MSNBC. Jeff's film work has screened at the Philadelphia Film Festival, Cinequest, and the Tribeca Film Festival. Show less «