James Ryan Babson

James Ryan Babson

Height: 178 cm
James Ryan Babson, Born in Upstate New York, started his acting career when he moved to Europe in 2013. Since then he has been a main actor in 1 feature length film, multiple music videos and a Techno vocalist and lyricist, with 4 produced songs and more projects to come. An aspiring actor, musician and writer; James Ryan is an all around talent th... Show more »
James Ryan Babson, Born in Upstate New York, started his acting career when he moved to Europe in 2013. Since then he has been a main actor in 1 feature length film, multiple music videos and a Techno vocalist and lyricist, with 4 produced songs and more projects to come. An aspiring actor, musician and writer; James Ryan is an all around talent that can be expected to make his presence known. Show less «
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