J-P Valkeapää's, born in 1977, is a critically acclaimed and awarded Finnish film director. Debut feature 'The Visitor' (2008) was selected to CineMart, developed at Cannes' Residence du Festival and premiered in Venice. Valkeapää's second feature 'They Have Escaped' (2014) premiered at Venice and Toronto. The...
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J-P Valkeapää's, born in 1977, is a critically acclaimed and awarded Finnish film director. Debut feature 'The Visitor' (2008) was selected to CineMart, developed at Cannes' Residence du Festival and premiered in Venice. Valkeapää's second feature 'They Have Escaped' (2014) premiered at Venice and Toronto. The film was nominated for seven Finnish National Finnish Awards 'Jussi', of which it won four, including Best Film and Best Direction. Show less «