J. Brian Simmons

J. Brian Simmons

Birthday: 16 January 1984, Fort Stewart, Georgia, USA
Height: 185 cm
Brian Simmons was born at Fort Stewart, Georgia, into an Army family. His father left military service shortly after Brian was born.He graduated high school in Jacksonville, Florida, and left to attend Florida Southern College, in Lakeland, Florida. Shortly before finishing his studies, Brian left college and enlisted in the Army as a combat medic ... Show more »
Brian Simmons was born at Fort Stewart, Georgia, into an Army family. His father left military service shortly after Brian was born.He graduated high school in Jacksonville, Florida, and left to attend Florida Southern College, in Lakeland, Florida. Shortly before finishing his studies, Brian left college and enlisted in the Army as a combat medic where he participated in both combat and domestic deployments.After leaving the military, Brian began to work in several films for the defense industry, along with photo shoots, training courses for military and law enforcement personnel, and other military simulation events."Rockabilly Zombie Weekend" was his first credited film, and he has begun work on another independent film project, "The Victor Romeo Account." Show less «
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