Eric Fleising is a young actor originally from Montreal, Canada. He is known for his portrayal of Wayne Henley in "The Killer Clown Meets the Candy Man" and for playing Jackson Arnold in the upcoming film "Burden", reprising his role from the short film of the same name. Eric is a graduate from NYU's Tisch Drama program, wh...
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Eric Fleising is a young actor originally from Montreal, Canada. He is known for his portrayal of Wayne Henley in "The Killer Clown Meets the Candy Man" and for playing Jackson Arnold in the upcoming film "Burden", reprising his role from the short film of the same name. Eric is a graduate from NYU's Tisch Drama program, where he attended the Atlantic Acting School, Stonestreet Studios, and completed his last semester abroad in London at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.
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