Emily James is an Actor know for her portrayal as Mia, Emily performed the lead role in a short film created, written and directed by Han Siu of Calgary Alberta, aptly titled "Mia" in 2015, The film was entered in the International Film Festival of Cinematic Arts IFFCA in 2015, where Emily received the "Award of Excellence in Acting ...
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Emily James is an Actor know for her portrayal as Mia, Emily performed the lead role in a short film created, written and directed by Han Siu of Calgary Alberta, aptly titled "Mia" in 2015, The film was entered in the International Film Festival of Cinematic Arts IFFCA in 2015, where Emily received the "Award of Excellence in Acting short film" in Los Angeles 2015. Emily has most recently been cast in Dustin Lance Black's TV mini-series "Under the Banner of Heaven".
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