Ed Driscoll is an Emmy Award-winning comedian, writer, producer and speaker. A bright and clever touring stand-up comic, Ed has showcased his quick wit on television programs over the years from "Politically Incorrect" to NBC's "Comedy Showcase." Driscoll has written for various television series such as "The Drew Care...
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Ed Driscoll is an Emmy Award-winning comedian, writer, producer and speaker. A bright and clever touring stand-up comic, Ed has showcased his quick wit on television programs over the years from "Politically Incorrect" to NBC's "Comedy Showcase." Driscoll has written for various television series such as "The Drew Carey Show" and "Dennis Miller Live", television specials such as "The Academy Awards" and "Comic Relief", and various feature films such as "Scooby Doo" and "National Security". His original movie "The Comeback", starring Samuel L. Jackson, won Best Short Film at the 2002 Aspen Comedy Festival. Driscoll has also written material for live stage shows starring artists including Billy Crystal, Louie Anderson, Joan Rivers, Michael Buble, Bob Newhart, and Barry Manilow. Ed is a popular and engaging speaker and host. Often drawing from his critically-acclaimed memoir "Spilled Gravy," he shares lessons of vision and perseverance gleaned from his experiences of working at the highest levels of the entertainment industry for over twenty years. Whether it's a group of college students looking to break into show business, a seminar of business leaders, a charity auction, or a gathering of executives at a corporate retreat, Ed personalizes the experience for each particular occasion to insure the most enjoyable and entertaining event possible. Ed is an active comedy writer on sit-coms and variety shows, and was nominated for another Emmy for his work on the 2012 Academy Awards. Follow Ed on twitter @Theeddriscoll.
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