With a diverse body of work ranging from the critically acclaimed comedy series "Letterkenny" to Disneys musical franchise "Descendants 2" Dylan Playfair has been anything but typecast. Roles ranging from a young man dealing with his own sexuality through extreme adversity in "Never Steady Never Still" to producing and staring in political documentaries centered on youth voter apathy (The Drop) . With a passion for story, comedy and people Dylan pushes to be funny, interesting, empathetic, and above all honest in his work. Born in the small town of Fort St. James BC, Canada into a hockey family. His father is a professional hockey coach for the Phoenix coyotes. The oldest of 3 boys, Dylan left hockey to pursue a career in film at the age of 19 after playing Jr. A Hockey in the BCHL. Dylan has studied acting in Vancouver and Los Angeles and is a graduate of Vancouver Acting School.
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