Doug Bruch

Doug Bruch

Birthday: May 14, 1972 in Albion, New York, USA
Height: 178 cm
Born in Albion, NY Doug started acted in first grade and continued with school productions through high-school. He obtained an acting scholarship to Marymount Manhattan College in NYC only to realize he didn't want to study math and french anymore, just act. He eventually moved to Hollywood, got a couple small breaks but decided it wasn't... Show more »
Born in Albion, NY Doug started acted in first grade and continued with school productions through high-school. He obtained an acting scholarship to Marymount Manhattan College in NYC only to realize he didn't want to study math and french anymore, just act. He eventually moved to Hollywood, got a couple small breaks but decided it wasn't his time to be in the industry. Returning to Buffalo, NY he continued with community theater and even did a season as a cowboy/stuntman at Fantasy Island in Grand Island, NY. Having been away from acting for the past ten years or so Doug recently had a featured role in locally produced and filmed House of Horrors: Gates of Hell by DWM Productions. He is now married 5 years to an incredible nurse and has two beautiful boys, all of whom have filled his life with joy beyond belief. He has recently come to terms with losing his hair but still pines for it once in a while. Show less «
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