Desirée is an award winning Hispanic actor, filmmaker, and producer, known for exploring social and feminist themes through a magical/hopeful lens. Desirée was one of 5 recipients of the Inwood Artworks Filmmakers Grant for her short film, "An Invitation to Tea", which garnered the Audience Choice Award after premiering at the "Dis...
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Desirée is an award winning Hispanic actor, filmmaker, and producer, known for exploring social and feminist themes through a magical/hopeful lens. Desirée was one of 5 recipients of the Inwood Artworks Filmmakers Grant for her short film, "An Invitation to Tea", which garnered the Audience Choice Award after premiering at the "Discover Different" Charlotte Film Festival in September, 2020. Witty, genuine, and undeniably effervescent, Desiree is often cast as the Like-able Girl Next Door, The Unsuspecting Heroine, or the Comedic Voice of Reason. Most recently she was nominated as "Best Comedic Actress" at both the 2020 Independent Series Awards and the British Web Awards for her role as "Kate" in the series, "FabUless" (for which she also received a Bronze Telly Award).
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