Christopher Owens, Born Christopher Marion Owens in Indiana and spent much of his life traveling depending upon his Father's Military assignment. Attended school in Honolulu, Hawaii completing his High School year in Lake Forest, California. Christopher balanced Kenpo Karate, Baseball and Soccer between Drama, Debate and Musical Theatre. At 15...
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Christopher Owens, Born Christopher Marion Owens in Indiana and spent much of his life traveling depending upon his Father's Military assignment. Attended school in Honolulu, Hawaii completing his High School year in Lake Forest, California. Christopher balanced Kenpo Karate, Baseball and Soccer between Drama, Debate and Musical Theatre. At 15, won first place in a National Storytelling Competition receiving an honorary induction to the National Storytellers Association and through debate, joined the National Forensics League. An avid Screenplay Writer, In 2011, with long time friend, Alexander Gurevich, created and co-wrote the TV series, "Breaking News". Show less «