Christopher M. Carber

Christopher M. Carber

Height: 180 cm
Christopher M. Carber is a Director/Writer/Producer, born to Christopher Russell Carber and Leslie Jeanne Franklin-Carber, from the American Midwest state of Iowa. At a young age, Christopher developed an interest in visual storytelling. Through the development of graphic novels, and fascination with photography, he quickly learned to combine the b... Show more »
Christopher M. Carber is a Director/Writer/Producer, born to Christopher Russell Carber and Leslie Jeanne Franklin-Carber, from the American Midwest state of Iowa. At a young age, Christopher developed an interest in visual storytelling. Through the development of graphic novels, and fascination with photography, he quickly learned to combine the best of both worlds with movies. Starting with short films and music videos in 2014, Christopher has since moved onto films that speak personally with him. Specializing in stories understanding the human condition and the daily struggles of life. Show less «
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