Brent is a seasoned documentary filmmaker and pizza enthusiast from Los Angeles, CA. His credits include the feature film Dear Francis (Showtime television), Lovin' Lakin (Hulu, starring Kristen Bell, Seth McFarlin, Kristen Chennoweth, and Christine Lakin), and documentary footage featured in the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympics. Over the ...
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Brent is a seasoned documentary filmmaker and pizza enthusiast from Los Angeles, CA. His credits include the feature film Dear Francis (Showtime television), Lovin' Lakin (Hulu, starring Kristen Bell, Seth McFarlin, Kristen Chennoweth, and Christine Lakin), and documentary footage featured in the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympics. Over the last 20 years Brent has directed over 250 short documentaries for causes and clients - drugs, AIDS, deforestation, human trafficking, abuse, homelessness, international aid, and payday loans, among others.
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