Bobby Miller is a filmmaker known for making genre-bending comedies. His short film "Tub" and feature debut "The Cleanse" also add horror, fantasy, and little creatures to the mix. The films' world premiered at Sundance and SXSW respectively, and have both gone on to screen at film festivals around the world. His short film...
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Bobby Miller is a filmmaker known for making genre-bending comedies. His short film "Tub" and feature debut "The Cleanse" also add horror, fantasy, and little creatures to the mix. The films' world premiered at Sundance and SXSW respectively, and have both gone on to screen at film festivals around the world. His short film "End Times" adds humanist drama atop his usual concoction of the absurd and practical FX.Outside of film, he's written for animated television shows such as "We Bare Bears" and "Summer Camp Island" for Cartoon Network and "Star Vs. The Forces of Evil" for Disney TV. He's also written/directed digital content for places like BuzzFeed, MTV, SoulPancake, and Google, where he makes things that are a little more straight-laced. Show less «