Barry Donovan

Barry Donovan

Birthday: 21 February 1964, Rome, New York, USA
Height: 180 cm
Barry Donovan ("Barry D.") was raised in Rome, New York (outside of Syracuse, New York).The son of an Irish father and Italian mother...Barry was working in the family Carpet business at 13 years old, for $20 a day.After College (St. John Fisher-Rochester NY), Barry D. moved to Hollywood, (with a Business Degree in tow).He worked numerous... Show more »
Barry Donovan ("Barry D.") was raised in Rome, New York (outside of Syracuse, New York).The son of an Irish father and Italian mother...Barry was working in the family Carpet business at 13 years old, for $20 a day.After College (St. John Fisher-Rochester NY), Barry D. moved to Hollywood, (with a Business Degree in tow).He worked numerous odd jobs and enrolled himself in the LA City College Theater program at night to learn the Entertainment Biz.His first audition was not even his, but his then Girlfriends'... He "Crashed" a National Levi's Jean Commercial Audition and landed two callbacks, with No Agent or Resume. Just a Headshot of him as a Kid.Eventually, he rented his Hollywood apartment garage space for some extra money, to a Long-time Hollywood Writer/Director and got his first break - a small part in a Thriller called, "Human Error". Human Error starred numerous veteran actors - among them, Pepe Serna (Bathtub Chainsaw scene) from "Scarface".After Human Error, Barry D. worked in numerous Commercials, Music Videos and Student TV/Film productions, along with a few Bad "B" Movie psychotic/scum bag parts. "Midnight Kiss" & "Sunset Strip" with Jeff Conaway from TV's "Taxi", "Grease" and "Celebrity Rehab".The next "Big Break", came from working at a few Celebrities Estates as "The Guy" or better known as an Assistant/Estate Manager.Barry D. then Co-Created and pitched the idea for "The Sport Jerks" with his childhood buddy from Rome, NY - Tommy T.The program was the first Sports/Reality based series. The series aired on Comedy Central. Danny DeVito served as a Co-Creater/Producer of the program.Barry D. now operates the Boutique Production Company McWOP Entertainment. Presently, he is developing numerous Reality TV projects and Sports/Entertainment programs. Show less «
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