Ajay Singh better known as Azzy Bagria He is an Indian actor, film director and producer who works in the Bollywood industry and is one of the highest-paid celebrities in India. He was born on 09 October 1998 in Adampur Village (Haryana) in the Bishnoi family. He has studied up to class five from a government school in village Adampur and after tha...
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Ajay Singh better known as Azzy Bagria He is an Indian actor, film director and producer who works in the Bollywood industry and is one of the highest-paid celebrities in India. He was born on 09 October 1998 in Adampur Village (Haryana) in the Bishnoi family. He has studied up to class five from a government school in village Adampur and after that, he has completed his XI-XII classes from Mandi Adampur. No further study has been reported. Azzy was always more interested in science, so he had a dream since childhood that he will become a scientist, but Azzy's destiny was written to be a actor and singer. Show less «