Ansh Rathore is an Indian Film Director and Actor also owns a production house called IIFAnox Pictures. As of March 2018, having acted and made cameo in 10 films, and worked as Assistant Director in 16 films under the Direction of big names from bollywood like Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Kabir Khan, Milan Luthria, Raj Kumar Hirani, Imtiyaz Ali and many ...
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Ansh Rathore is an Indian Film Director and Actor also owns a production house called IIFAnox Pictures. As of March 2018, having acted and made cameo in 10 films, and worked as Assistant Director in 16 films under the Direction of big names from bollywood like Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Kabir Khan, Milan Luthria, Raj Kumar Hirani, Imtiyaz Ali and many more. Also been a part of Big Hollywood projects like Mission Impossible and Marigold Series. Recently He directed a film A Wrong Turn which is a true story based on an incident happened in Jaipur on October 2016. The movie revolves around the female protagonist and her attentiveness to fight for her dignity. How one step changed her entire life and the situation gave her the powers to protect her insights from the monsters covered in human skin. Waiting for the release of Wrong Turn he already announced his next feature film "The Reality of Unreal". Upcoming Projects: "The Reality of Unreal" and "A Bullied Champ"
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