In 2023, Anna appears in the fantasy film The Portable Door directed by Jeffrey Walker, as the Tea Lady Goblin. Anna was also the 'Goblin Captain' leading other goblins in movement explorations to create their own unique style of goblin for the film. Anna performed in and co-wrote the screen play for the film adaptation of Chinese take Aw...
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In 2023, Anna appears in the fantasy film The Portable Door directed by Jeffrey Walker, as the Tea Lady Goblin. Anna was also the 'Goblin Captain' leading other goblins in movement explorations to create their own unique style of goblin for the film. Anna performed in and co-wrote the screen play for the film adaptation of Chinese take Away (Looking Glass Pictures), 2002, which was based on her acclaimed stage play of the same name. Anna won Best Actor (Female) in the 2006 Queensland Short Film Festival for her work in Carine Chai's Karaoke King. Anna appears in the 2023 Queensland Health Dear Mind ad campaign, promoting tips on mental well-being. Anna is an actor, theatre maker and movement teacher whose work spans film and theatre. She is an actor in the 2023 La Boite Theatre and Sydney Theatre Company seasons of The Poison of Polygamy.
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