Angelo Diaz is a charming and intriguing young man. An afro-Cuban fluent in Spanish, his versatility is breaking many casting molds. Angelo spent his early and most impressionable years growing up in diverse neighborhoods of Miami like Little Haiti, Miami Beach & Little Havana. Young Angelo learned quickly the benefits of employing his wide soc...
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Angelo Diaz is a charming and intriguing young man. An afro-Cuban fluent in Spanish, his versatility is breaking many casting molds. Angelo spent his early and most impressionable years growing up in diverse neighborhoods of Miami like Little Haiti, Miami Beach & Little Havana. Young Angelo learned quickly the benefits of employing his wide social sense and aesthetic appeal, and the power they gave him. He used these skills along with other abilities during the progressing phases of his life; his athleticism as a college football player and his leadership skills as a U.S. Navy combat medic. Angelo Diaz is excited to bring this history and more to every line and every role, including "ATL Homicide", TVONE's #1 Hit Show, and "MOTEL GRAVY", a cutting edge Dramedy pilot accepted to Nashville Film Fest, Orlando Film Fest, DTLA Film Fest, and others. Stay Tuned.
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