Andrew Knox

Andrew Knox

Birthday: November 5, 1947 in California, USA
Born in Hollywood, he was the son of Alexander Knox and Doris Nolan. He was educated at the City of London School and Cambridge University where he graduated in English. At Cambridge, he first acted with the Marlowe Society in classical roles. He acted in Africa and on both coasts of America in experimental theatre. He met actress Imogen Hassall (a... Show more »
Born in Hollywood, he was the son of Alexander Knox and Doris Nolan. He was educated at the City of London School and Cambridge University where he graduated in English. At Cambridge, he first acted with the Marlowe Society in classical roles. He acted in Africa and on both coasts of America in experimental theatre. He met actress Imogen Hassall (after her divorce from her first husband) when appearing in a play together. They married, but the marriage was short-lived. In 1987 (when his career had nosedived), he boarded a Jersey ferry bound for the mainland to visit a friend in London. When the ferry docked, he was not on board. He is presumed to have either drowned accidentally or to have committed suicide. Show less «
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