Andrea Cox was a resident of Burkittsville, Maryland, before and during the filming of the first Blair Witch film. With many others in that town, Cox assisted in updating a volunteer website when the flood of requests for information about "Those missing kids" and other, stranger, questions bombarded the community before the film's d...
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Andrea Cox was a resident of Burkittsville, Maryland, before and during the filming of the first Blair Witch film. With many others in that town, Cox assisted in updating a volunteer website when the flood of requests for information about "Those missing kids" and other, stranger, questions bombarded the community before the film's debut.Some of the participants, most known by nicknames, were thrown further into the fray of truth vs. fiction when the site went viral. The Frederick County Sheriff's Department got in on this action early, fielding questions about law enforcement in Burkittsville and handling threats toward the population. Cox and the others endeavored to entertain, inform, and reduce the illegal reactions to online pre-release marketing.Cox became used to giving impromptu performances as global media descended. Cox's face and quotable snark "This town made it through the Civil War, I think we can make it through this," became a staple for global press long enough to interest Blair Redux when it came to casting Joe Berlinger's fiction debut, Book of _Shadows: Blair Witch II_ (2000).
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