Amanda graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy of both Los Angeles and New York City in the Fall 2010. She swiftly obtained the lead role in "Scorned: Love Kills," a television series aired on Discovery. Her achievement affirmed a purpose rooted in her since childhood. Throughout Amanda's youth, in sunny Corpus Chris...
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Amanda graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy of both Los Angeles and New York City in the Fall 2010. She swiftly obtained the lead role in "Scorned: Love Kills," a television series aired on Discovery. Her achievement affirmed a purpose rooted in her since childhood. Throughout Amanda's youth, in sunny Corpus Christi, Texas, she inspired her peers through positive energy and ballet performances. She quickly realized a passion for holding people's interest and bringing joy to their lives by entertaining. This heartening quality followed her into adulthood, particularly regarding her career path. In fact, her success in helping others discover happiness goes hand-in-hand with her professional accomplishments.Amanda portrayed a controversial role in the independently produced stage-to-screen "Walt Whitman Never Paid for It" (2012), a project that received an outpour of support from prestigious film festivals in New York City and in Los Angeles, and ultimately, premiered at Tribeca Cinema. It has now earned the Official Selection for the Richmond International Film Festival in 2014, winning the Audience Choice Award. Through her collaboration on the original motion picture "Eventually Yours," Amanda developed a lifelong professional kinship that continues with "Simple Things," a pulp/noir/thriller forthcoming web series starring Amanda Greer as Aerial. "I become a character and actively bring in the viewers," Amanda articulated. Additional screen credits include Paramount Pictures comedy "Staten Island Summer" with SNL cast, she portrays the Hot German Woman and "Making The Cut," where she has been nominated for Best Supporting Actress in My Final Shot Film Festival in NYC. Amanda's latest film, "Long Shot Louie," earned the 2013 Official Film Selection of the SoHo Film Festival. As a member of the Creative Coalition, Amanda graced the red carpet for the 57th Presidential Inauguration Ball in 2013.
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