Adam Freeman is a teenage American film, stage, and voice actor who lives in the New England area. As a 9 year old, Adam was cast in the lead role of Young Dylan in a Boston area professional production of "A Child's Christmas in Wales." For his natural ability, he caught the eye of local theater critics, earning an Independent Revie...
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Adam Freeman is a teenage American film, stage, and voice actor who lives in the New England area. As a 9 year old, Adam was cast in the lead role of Young Dylan in a Boston area professional production of "A Child's Christmas in Wales." For his natural ability, he caught the eye of local theater critics, earning an Independent Reviewers of New England (IRNE) nomination and a Hub Review Best Actor award. As a 12 year old, Adam had the good fortune to be cast as the only child in Shakespeare's "Coriolanus" performed outside on the Boston Common. Over 100,000 viewers watched this production. In addition to stage acting, Adam has enjoyed both supporting and principal roles in film. Most recently, cast as the character Doyle Larkin, he was filmed in a scene with Frances McDormand in the highly acclaimed HBO mini-series, "Olive Kitteridge." Adam can also be heard as the voice of Henry in daytime Emmy nominated PBSKids', "Fizzy's Lunchlab."
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