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Watch The Prophecy 5 : Forsaken


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In Bucharest, Allison is protecting the mysterious bible, 'The Prophet Lexicon', from renegade angels called Thrones who are led by a sinister character called Stark. The last chapter in the bible is about the apocalypse, called Revelations, discloses the name of the Antichrist in its last page.
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...much more an action picture than its predecessors and as such, the element of supernatural suspense the franchise has going for it is all but lost.
September 03, 2005
Didn't the first few Prophecy movies have Christopher Walken in them? That seems like 400 years ago, doesn't it?
September 17, 2005
Reel Film Reviews
But we do learn that the Devil likes to eat Twinkies, so there's that at least.
February 11, 2006
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