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The film covers an academic year, beginning with the teachers gathering for the autumn term, introducing themselves to each other and being welcomed by the principal, an unsmiling figure wearing rimless glasses. Francois is a tough but fair teacher working in one of France';;s toughest schools, and his honest demeanor in the classroom has made him a great success with the students. But this year things are different, because when the students begin to challenge his methods Francois will find his classroom ethics put to the ultimate test.
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  • CRITICS OF "The Class"
Critic's Notebook
What most critics probably aren't telling you about in their expectedly lavish praises of the film is its stereotypical and downright patronizing portrayal of race and ethnicity.
October 07, 2015
Reel Film Reviews
...the sort of film that one admires more than one enjoys...
January 03, 2014
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