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Watch Murder of a Cat


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When someone murders his beloved cat, Clinton (Kranz), an adult child, demands justice. But when he delves deeper into the case, he ultimately uncovers a town-wide conspiracy far greater than he ever imagined.
101 min
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Common Sense Media
Forgettable, unfunny indie whodunit is fairly violent.
January 09, 2015
Los Angeles Times
A dead pet isn't the only inert element of "Murder of a Cat," a plodding comic caper that fails to deliver.
December 04, 2014
New York Observer
I saw it with three people. One walked out. The second stayed to the bitter end because Blythe Danner and Greg Kinnear were in it. You needn't bother.
December 03, 2014
Cleveland Plain Dealer
A forced, grating snore of a contrivance masquerading as a quirky comedy. One of the worst movies of 2014.
December 05, 2014
New York Daily News
Despite the presence of actors like Simmons, Greg Kinnear and Blythe Danner, this trying-too-hard comedy is as annoying as chasing a ball at the end of a bouncy string.
December 03, 2014
New York Post
Swing a dead cat here and you'll hit a piece of limp dialogue.
December 03, 2014
The film's plot ... feels like a very bland character's search for a personality.
December 05, 2014
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