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Watch House 2: The Second Story


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The movie follows Jesse McLaughlin as he returns to the house where his parents were murdered 25 years earlier. It is proven to be a bad move as Jesse gets involved with reanimated corpses and demons searching for an ancient Aztec skull with magic powers.
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  • CRITICS OF "House 2: The Second Story"
Lawrence Journal-World
If nothing else, one of the great titles for a sequel
September 07, 2002
Reel Film Reviews
...apparently there's a rule that these House flicks have to feature a star of Cheers, because instead of George Wendt, John Ratzenberger (he played know-it-all mailman Cliff Clavin) pops up as a mysterious handyman.
February 24, 2003
A goofy, lightweight, paper-thin, schizophrenic mess.
August 08, 2002
Tyler Morning Telegraph (Texas)
If fewer critics were to decry how bad it is, this in-name-only sequel would succumb to the obscurity it deserves.
November 23, 2003
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