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Watch Hatton Garden the Heist


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Following the lead up to one of the biggest robberies of the century, Hatton Garden the Heist follows the convict recruiting a team of veteran British criminals all eager for one final chance at glory.
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  • CRITICS OF "Hatton Garden the Heist"
Jasper Rees
Thompson has managed to lure a cast who can relied upon to say the lines and not bump into the furniture, but his script somehow contrives to stumble into every British gangster cliché while syringing the last ounce of life out of every scene.
April 14, 2017
Peter Bradshaw
There's no reason to let these naughty thieves make off with your time and money.
April 13, 2017
Wendy Ide
From the wocka-wocka retro-funk score to the glitchy Guy Ritchie-lite jump cuts, split screens and wipe edits, to the smattering of rhyming slang, this film doesn't have an original idea in its entire running time.
April 17, 2017
Matthew Turner
It's comfortably one of the worst films of the year so far.
April 10, 2017
Liz Beardsworth
Uniformly likeable leads can't save plotlines heading nowhere, leaving it a film with its fun moments but more frustrating ones, and too little detail to be anything other than forgettable.
April 13, 2017
Jon Lyus
All the time there's no sense of jeopardy or drama, so you don't really care what happens either way. Stir in the polystyrene characters, as hollow as they are disposable, and it only serves to exacerbate the feeling that you're watching a bad film.
April 11, 2017
Kate Muir
While the actual event must have been heart-stoppingly tense, the film is without suspense, and is cack-handed and mundane, with a paint-by-numbers voiceover from Matthew Goode.
April 14, 2017
Geoffrey Macnab
There is a hint of old Ealing comedies in Ronnie Thompson's likeable if very undercharged telling of the story of the 2015 Hatton Garden jewellery/safety deposit box heist.
April 12, 2017
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