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Watch Brief Interviews with Hideous Men


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A graduate student (Nicholson) copes with a recent breakup by conducting interviews with various men, all sorts of men, trying to unearth the mystery of their bizarre behavior.
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At the Movies
I worry that this film is static enough and stiff enough that it's going to keep people away from discovering David Foster Wallace if they haven't read him.
September 28, 2009
Austin Chronicle
Krasinski re-creates the interviews using Wallace's original, but this isn't exactly a letter-of-the-law adaptation -- he tightens the interviews and defangs some of the language.
November 13, 2009
Philadelphia Inquirer
Offers is the opportunity for a bunch of actors, many of them tethered to TV series, to deliver theatrical monologues pulsing with misogyny and narcissism. It's like second-rate Neil Labute.
November 12, 2009
Aisle Seat
Painfully pretentious and shallow.
November 30, 2009
Reel Film Reviews
...far more successful as an actor's showcase than as a fully-realized movie...
December 09, 2011
Philadelphia Weekly
Everywhere this poor lady tries to go, there's always a guy or two loudly performing a David Foster Wallace monologue within earshot.
March 19, 2010
TIME Magazine
[Krasinski's] generosity of intent is really the main impression that remains. He read, he loved, and unfortunately, he did not conquer.
September 28, 2009
Faced with the unenviable choice between honoring his daunting inspiration and telling his own story, the director shoots straight down the middle -- and misses both targets.
July 04, 2010
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